الخميس، 14 يوليو 2011

How Airplane Changed Human Life

Development of technology influenced our life and community including culture, values..etc. Our life before developing of Airplanes for example is not the same as today. Technology has both positive and negative influence, technology helps us in improving our health, economy, and social life. On the other hand, technology may have negative impact on human mind and behavior especially on children such as some types of video games.
However, in some cases community culture and political reason limitate technology in some stages, for example in some communities woman is not allowed to drive car or to be a pilot. In some other countries satellite receivers are not allowed for homes. In very old days women was not allowed to go to school!! 
If we are going to talk about Airplane, one of the greatest inventions that have changed human life, airplane invented in Dec 1903 by Orville and Wilbur Wright, people called it at that time “the flaying machine”. Many people throughout the history tried to fly using different techniques but brother Wright were first to success in their experiment.
Development of airplane caused human life to divert, it opened new life and wide future for us. Before this invention people used to travel through sea on ships or on land through caravan using animals such as camel and horses crossing desert in outrageously weather especially in Middle East and Africa in addition to less security as those caravans was exposed to bandits. Both traveling through sea and land used to take long days and weeks to arrive to destination.
Airplanes play a critical role in a world-changing event, it has so significant role in commerce or in war that we could truly say of them “These changed history.”
Airplanes used to play a major role in war since WW1 (1914 – 1918) till now through controlling the air, the army that has strongest air force will be the dominant army.
Planes also can transport people and things far away in short time this means more interactions between nations can occur. Airplanes for example help you make business internationally, you may have breakfast with your partner in one country and have a lunch or dinner in some other country. (This was considered as Aladdin’s magical lamp in old days)
Planes also can deliver almost anything very fast making international trading grow up fast through transportation of merchandise, for example we can make any type of food produced in one area in the world to be available freshly at any other place in world. (This also was considered as Aladdin’s magical lamp in old days)
Mecca, the holy place of Muslims, it attracts millions of pilgrims every year from different places in the world. In old days traveling to Mecca was not easy, pilgrims from far countries had to travel on land for months to reach Mecca and some die in the way. As per old people in Bahrain some used camels to travel to Mecca it was taking around two month to arrive there, others traveled via sea the ship usually was going first to Bombay city in India then to Jeddah city on red sea. 
Airplanes made traveling to Mecca much easier and therefore the number of visitor increased rapidly, that has an economic impact in which business and trading in Mecca became very active, for example real estate in Mecca is now one of the most expensive real estate in the world.
Other influence of airplanes in our life is that as it facilitated traveling this leads people to visit other countries and see other community and exchange culture. In 1940’s and onward many Bahraini traveled to Egypt, Lebanon and other countries for study and came back and involved in country development with their experience and knowledge. This could not be achieved before Bahrain enters aviation era.  
Moreover, many problems can be solved using plans such as rescue operations during natural disasters. Planes and helicopters play major role in rescue trapped people during earthquakes, Tsunami as well as disabled boats in mid of the sea.